ANDS- Africa Natural Disaster System

Mass texting system that provides rural village with emergency info. Satellite phones will be provided and distributed by a prestigious mobile phone service such as AT&T or Verizon. This will provide a decent amount of capital and investment for such an extensive project, while allowing for a charitable donation for that company. Regions will be “hot spot” designated, and will be managed and operated individually to provide the specific nature of the information. Regional managers will also train individuals on the system. Villages and towns in rural areas will be provided with a satellite phone designated to a leader in that community. When disaster occurs, a mass text will be sent to any and all potentially effected villages and towns. Leaders of those towns will then provide their individual villages with the necessary information. Leaders can respond and collaborate with Regional managers on how to manage or prepare for the disaster.

Created by tannden11 5 weeks 5 days ago – Made popular 5 weeks 5 days ago
Category: Mobile applications   Tags:


Anonymous 2 days 4 hours 35 min 45 sec ago


Anonymous 2 days 6 hours 34 min 20 sec ago


Anonymous 2 days 19 hours 6 min 12 sec ago


Anonymous 3 days 17 hours 4 min 41 sec ago


Anonymous 3 days 19 hours 19 min 36 sec ago