
USSD is available on all cellphones yet one can't find as many apps as one can think should be. USSD gateways are hard(very) to acquire. The solution suggested is a shared, street-affordable gateway where -
-developer with idea for an app downloads the _easilyUssd SDK.
-App is designed and developed on the devkit
-App is submitted to _easilyUssd where its vetted for practicality
-If it passes it gets hosted and the app is assigned a '*000*1234#'-type address.
-The app's address can then be distributed via sms, wap, etc.
-example apps: survey app, quiz tool, realtime auction store, location-based content services, crowdsourcing, etc.

Created by Sadq70 1 week 3 days ago – Made popular 1 week 2 days ago
Category: Mobile applications   Tags: